
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Employment Totals 58,800 in Oregon's Forest Sector

In recent months, the Oregon Employment Department has worked in conjunction with the Oregon Department of Forestry and the Oregon Forest Resources Institute to estimate employment in the state's forest sector.

Oregon had roughly 58,800 forest sector jobs in 2013. Primary forest products -- which includes sawmills and wood preservation, paper manufacturing, and veneer and plywood manufacturing -- made up the largest segment of the total, with 17,400 jobs. Forestry support accounted for another 16,900 jobs, found in logging, timber tract operations, and other forestry support-related industries.

The state's forest sector also includes employment in secondary forest products (e.g., millwork and various types of wood product manufacturing), jobs with forest product wholesalers, forestry management jobs, and wood product transportation.

The bulk of forest sector employment occurs in privately owned establishments (50,100 jobs), while federal, state, and local government contribute 5,500 jobs. The Employment Department's records include only those businesses subject to Unemployment Insurance taxes, which excludes the self-employed and some other forestry-related firms. To account for these jobs, we found another 3,200 forest sector jobs with "nonemployers" using 2012 data (the most recent available) from the U.S. Census Bureau. Nonemployers are businesses that have no paid employment or payroll, are subject to federal income taxes, and have receipts of $1,000 or more.

The average annual wage for Oregon's forest sector was $49,200 in 2013. That's slightly above the $44,400 annual average for all private covered employment in the state, as well as the $45,000 average annual employment for all jobs statewide.

For more information on Oregon's forest sector, check out the newly released Oregon Facts and Figures 2015-2016 report.

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