
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Portland-based Startups Offer Unique Products

Two interesting business startups were featured in the news this week: OnTheGo Platforms and Brandlive.

OnTheGo Platforms is developing a product called Vuzix Smart Glasses that allow users to record their running routes, times, and distance, and then race a "ghost" image of themselves using the company's GhostRunner software. OnTheGo Platforms plans to release the glasses sometime this year, which will retail between $200 and $500. More details on the company are available at KATU.

Another Portland-based startup, Brandlive, has developed software that allows retailers to connect with customers via live video chats, similar to other web-based video application tools on Skype and Facebook. During these chats, consumers can see product demonstrations, ask questions, or receive other types of customer support. Brandlive's founders say that revenue has grown 190 percent two years in a row while acquiring big-name clients like Levi Strauss, as well as small businesses on Etsy. Read more about Brandlive in The Oregonian.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Very informative. This is a great idea for athleats that are always looking to improve their performance. I'm glad to hear it's also from the Northwestn keep up the great work!