
Monday, October 24, 2011

Small Business Fair and Data Centers in Local News

The Medford Mail Tribune published an article about the ninth annual Rogue Valley Business Resource Fair, and how it is catering to farmers. "The seminars presented at the business fair address the same issues farmers and ranchers face, including financing for your operation, marketing your products and even doing business on the Internet," notes the Farm Service Agency Executive Director, Joe Hess.

Farmers and other small businesses can learn more about writing a business plan, developing a sales pitch, and conducting online transactions. Get more details in the full story.

In the Portland area, three data centers announced plans to build new sites around Hillsboro. The Oregonian reports that Adobe Systems, NetApp, and Fortune Data Center will open sometime next year.

Why is Oregon becoming a hot spot for data centers? The article explains that "Oregon's relatively low power costs, its cool air (data center computers run hot, and the facilities must be chilled to keep from overheating) and Oregon's tax breaks make the state an attractive home for data centers."

Get more information on these new data centers in the full article.

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